Savings Rates

Primary Share and Youth Savings Accounts

Rates effective 01/01/2025. Rates subject to change without notice.

Minimum Nominal Rate APY*
$100.01 0.25% 0.25%

*APY=Annual Percentage Yield
Dividends will be compounded and credited quarterly. A minimum average daily balance of $100.01 dollars is required to obtain the disclosed APY.

Holiday and Vacation Club Accounts

Minimum Nominal Rate APY*
0.00 0.50% 0.50%

*APY=Annual Percentage Yield
Dividends will be credited annually on the average daily balance upon disbursement at the end of the club year. Early withdrawals will be penalized any accrued/earned interest.

Share Certificate Account

Term Minimum Balance Nominal Rate APY* Jumbo Rate ($50,000+) APY*
6 Month $1,000 3.50% 3.55% 3.75% 3.80%
12 Month $1,000 3.65% 3.70% 3.90% 3.96%
18 Month $1,000 3.70% 3.75% 3.95% 4.01%
24 Month $1,000 3.75% 3.80% 4.00% 4.06%
36 Month $1,000 3.80% 3.85% 4.05% 4.11%
48 Month $1,000 3.80% 3.85% 4.05% 4.11%
60 Month $1,000 3.90% 3.96% 4.15% 4.22%
FLEX Certificate $1,000 4.00% 4.06% 4.25% 4.32%

*APY=Annual Percentage Yield
Dividends will be compounded and credited quarterly. The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) disclosed assumes that dividends remain in the account until maturity. Any withdrawal of dividends will reduce earnings. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawals.

Platinum Members add .25%/ Member Rewards add .10% to certificates - cannot combine

Member Rewards Checking Account*

Minimum Balance Nominal Rate APY*
$2,500 0.05% 0.05%
$10,000 0.15% 0.15%
$25,000 0.25% 0.25%

*APY=Annual Percentage Yield
Dividends are calculated on your average daily balance and are compounded and credited to your account monthly.

Money Market Investment Checking Account

Minimum Balance Nominal Rate APY*
$2,500 0.50% 0.50%
$10,000 0.70% 0.70%
$25,000 0.90% 0.90%
$100,000 1.10% 1.11%

*APY=Annual Percentage Yield

IRA Investment Account

Minimum Balance Nominal Rate APY*
$500 1.50% 1.51%
$10,000 2.00% 2.02%
$25,000 2.50% 2.52%
$50,000 3.00% 3.03%
$100,000 3.25% 3.29%

*APY=Annual Percentage Yield
Dividends are calculated on your average daily balance and are compounded and credited to your account quarterly.
Dividends are calculated on your average daily balance and are compounded and credited to your account monthly.

Savings Calculators

Calculate Your Loan Payment

Enter the term, rate and loan amount; the loan payment will be calculated for you.

*The accuracy of this calculator and its applicability to your circumstances is not guaranteed. Results should be discussed with a qualified professional before any product purchases or loan commitments are made.

Loan Afford Calculator

Enter the term, rate and desired payment; the loan total will be calculated for you.

*The accuracy of this calculator and its applicability to your circumstances is not guaranteed. Results should be discussed with a qualified professional before any product purchases or loan commitments are made.

Calculate your Interest and Savings

This calculator will show you how much you can save if you make half of your mortgage payment every two weeks instead of making a full mortgage payment once a month. In effect, you are making one extra mortgage payment per year!


The accuracy of this calculator and its applicability to your circumstances is not guaranteed. Results should be discussed with a qualified professional before any product purchases or loan commitments are made.


This calculator will help you to decide whether or not you should refinance your current mortgage at a lower interest rate. Not only will this calculator calculate the monthly payment and net interest savings, but it will also calculate how many months it will take to break even on the closing costs.

Your Current Mortgage Information

Refinancing Information

If you are unsure, multiply your current balance owed by 0.3.


*The accuracy of this calculator and its applicability to your circumstances is not guaranteed. Results should be discussed with a qualified professional before any product purchases or loan commitments are made.

See How Much You Can Save

To calculate the future value of a one-time, lump-sum investment, enter the dollar amount invested, the interest rate you expect to earn, and the number of years you expect to let the investment grow, then click the "Compute" button.


The accuracy of this calculator and its applicability to your circumstances is not guaranteed. Results should be discussed with a qualified professional before any product purchases or loan commitments are made.

Build Your Savings Calculator

To calculate the future value of a monthly investment, enter the beginning balance, the monthly dollar amount you plan to deposit, the interest rate you expect to earn, and the number of years you expect to continue making monthly deposits, then click the "Compute" button.


*The accuracy of this calculator and its applicability to your circumstances is not guaranteed. Results should be discussed with a qualified professional before any product purchases or loan commitments are made.